How abductors exploit the media to their advantage

In recent times we have seen a huge increase in abductors taking to social media and gaining media attention in an effort to portray themselves as the victim to try and disguise the fact that they were the original abductor. We have seen so many good parents have their lives, careers, reputation and most importantly their…

Parental Alienation Syndrome within Parental Abduction…

We thought we would cover a topic that we see far too often to not mention. CARI – Child Abduction Recovery International carries out on average 3 recoveries each month and unfortunately 90% of those recoveries we see clear signs of PAS Parental Alienation Syndrome. Nothing stirs up passions more than the controversy generated when…

Parental Child Abduction Pakistan

Pakistan is a frequent country CARI – Child Abduction Recovery International operate in to recover abducted children after parents struggle to relieve any help. Some information below; Make your own opinion of this. On 1 March 2017, the Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction entered into force for Pakistan. After having deposited…

Ukraine Parental Child Abduction

We are very sorry to disturb you twice in one week but we’d like you to say hello to Afonso recovered tonight by CARI – Child Abduction Recovery International from Ukraine after being illegally abducted 8 months ago. Afonso was taken to Ukraine on false documents obtained by his mother in order to smuggle Afonso…

CARI – Child Abduction Recovery International – Rescue from Laos

CARI – Child Abduction Recovery International is the first and only organisation to recover an abducted child from Laos. This UK boy was neglected, living in horrendous conditions. His father tried everything possible to get his son home including the legal system, but got no help. Gordon lost £10,000 to a fraud named Eric Kalmus…

Another Successful Recovery

Say hello to Pavel illegally abducted by his father’s family after his father past away in 2016. Pavel has been illegally held since with limited contact to his mother. After having the door closed time and time again searching for help, this mother turned to CARI – Child Abduction Recovery International after being scammed $18,000….